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Awakening into Feminine Wisdom – a systemic exploration
augustus 25, 2017 - augustus 26, 2017
Awakening into feminine wisdom – a systemic exploration in a women’s circle
Are you looking for role models or even a female archetype? Can you hardly get a clear inner picture of what feminine wisdom is about? Do you hear a calling to connect to your roots again? Do you wonder where development of our society is heading to? Do you feel an inner calling to play an active role in the undergoing healing or transition phase and the rebalancing of feminine and masculine power?
On August 25th and 26th in a unique one-off event (1,5 days) – we invite you to join in a deep dive to look into your own feminine wisdom. We will jointly explore how the development of our feminine wisdom is related to the transformation of power in society.
We will explore this subject in a women’s circle in which constellation work and systemic exercises play a large role.
Facilitators and space holders
We, Martine (NL) and Gabriele (GER), are two curious and passionate women and researchers on this topic ourselves. We met two years ago – at the Bert Hellinger Institute training on organizational constellations. Currently we jointly participate in the Master training program at the same institute. This is where the idea for the workshop was born. We will jointly host this workshop, bringing everything we’ve got as facilitators of systemic work and group learning processes. More importantly though, we’ll bring in our curiosity on the subject.
One-off event
For us the workshop is a try-out. A collaboration that originates form a deep heart-connection and mutual respect; for which the seeds were sown during the different training days.
If you feel this workshop is for you, but you cannot make it on the 25-26th, please let us know as well. We might organize a second version later on this year.
Inviting others
If you know of other women who might be interested in this workshop, please forward the invitation. Let’s together find those women for whom this workshop comes exactly at the right moment, in the right form!
Gabriele Schwarz: ‘I consider myself as an evolutionary companion. I have a strong will to contribute to a greater healing process and to co-create a society based on a deeper level of humanity. Ten years ago, an intensive inner journey was the start of the evolvement of my greater life potential. I went through deep transformational and healing processes and participated in various trainings, such as integral theory and method, systemic and body-psychotherapeutic work as well as mystical life principles. In my professional career as a manager in various industry areas, I supported many women and men to grow into their greater potential. Today, I work as business coach and consultant and I accompany individuals and teams to grow into their emerging future based on a deeper heart-connection and their inspirational power. I truly belief that one of the key evolutionary forces, to create a deeper connected humanity, lies in the hands of women and our ability to make good use of our pure female competencies to lead cultural transformation powered by wisdom, clarity and love. I see men going through the same process of rebalancing their masculine and feminine powers, but for this first workshop, I’m interested in working with women only, to see where we’ll get.
Martine Verweij: ‘It’s only since a few years that I discovered how out of balance I was (and still am): focusing most of my life on developing my analytical capacities. Unconsciously though, I’ve always been a highly intuitive person. This explains why I was never quite satisfied with rational and bounded approaches to large scale problems I was working on as a consultant. Since then, my interest in understanding what made our society go out of balance and what caused my own inner unbalance, has gone hand in hand. The steps I’ve taken to rebalance myself, seem to go hand in hand with the work I’m able to do in the outer world. Such as working on speeding up the energy transition, by helping professionals in that field rediscover their own systemic awareness. It’s about re-opening access to deeper ways of knowing. Feminine ways of knowing. On this subject, I’ve got the feeling there’s so much more to explore. And it feels like the time is right to do this in a broader group. I believe in group learning processes and would love to find out what a group of women can discover jointly on the subject of feminine wisdom and societal transformation. Please join us in this exploration! I’ll bring all I have to provide the safety for us to explore this topic as deep as seems necessary and possible.’
Join the workshop if you share our interest in the subject and you might experience:
- co-development of your systemic intelligence
- an exploration of feminine wisdom and it’s societal potential through constellation work
- a gain in insights about your own feminine wisdom through group work and systemic exercises
- a rise in clarity about your own transformational development or even power
- group exploration of the transformation of power in society in relation to the development of our own feminine power
We start Friday 25th at 10.00 o’clock. We end on Saturday 26th at 15.00 o’clock.
We will work with a very generic program design, leaving ample space to adjust as we go along, according to what emerges.
Our generic program:
Friday 25th of August
10.00 – Welcome and check-in – meet other group members and share your intention for the systemic exploration – what question is at heart for you?
11.15 – Systemic warm-up and easing into the theme of the workshop
12.30 – Lunch
13.45 – Systemic exploration on the theme in different forms – with regular breaks
17.30 – (approximate) end of afternoon program
18.00 – Dinner
19.30 – Light evening program – walking meditation/ dialogue walk / story-telling at campfire / or other
21.30 – End of program
Saturday 26th of August
8.00 – Breakfast
9.00 – Systemic exploration on the theme in different forms – with regular breaks
12.30 – Lunch
13.45 – Integration of what came up and check-out process
15.00 – End of program
*this program might change according what we feel is needed
Starting time – 25th of August – 10.00 o’clock
Ending time – 26th of August – 15.00 o’clock
Groningen, de Helleborus, Engelberterweg 96 9723 EP Groningen (just south of Groningen).
‘This is truly a very special place, perfectly suitable for this workshop. De Helleborus is an old Groningen farmhouse, transformed into an Inn, mini-campsite, food forest and permaculture centre, run by two young, wise ladies. One of them (Esther) normally lives in the Yurt that we will use for the workshop and regularly organizes women-related events in the yurt, like full-moon circles. The Helleborus has plenty of sleeping accommodation and will serve us locally produced vegetarian food during the workshop’, Martine.
How to get there with public transport? take bus 78 from Groningen station. Check out bus times here.
LANGUAGE ) English
GROUP SIZE ) Maximum of 8 women
COSTS ) The workshop itself is free – we only ask you to share with us the cost of renting the yurt in which we’ll have the workshop and pay for your own expenses for accomodation and meals at Helleborus – total costs are 105 euros per person (including lunch x2, dinner, breakfast and coffee and tea throughout the workshop)
You can sign up for this one-off workshop by sending an e-mail to Gabriele Schwarz or Martine Verweij. You might want to let us know, what makes you subscribe. Also, ask any question you might have!
Please subscribe as soon as possible. De Helleborus is holding on to accommodations for us, but if we are with less than 8, we should let them know as soon as possible.
After subscription, you will get a bill for the expenses, which we ask you to pay at the latest one day before the workshop.
Subscribe by e-mailing: