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Holistic Leadership in times of climate change
november 6, 2016@ 17:00 - november 7, 2016@ 22:00
With the increasing complexity and uncertainty of our world today, scientific knowledge and modernist ideas are becoming more important and less sufficient at the same time. In situations of complexity, such as our changing climate and structural inequality, other sources of intelligence are needed as well to make wise decisions and steer our society dynamically into a sustainable future.
How can we complement our well-earned rational thinking with other ways of knowing, such as our intuition, in order to navigate complex systems? How can we balance our focus on the outer world of matter, with a focus on our inner world of consciousness and infinite potential? How can we make use of the abundant resources of imagination and consciousness that are inside us, in order to tackle the outer issues of scarce natural resources and environmental degradation?
Do we have the courage to question our mechanical worldview and our ego-system awareness and shift towards an eco-system awareness that can create life-affirming solutions that work in the long term?
In this 1,5 day workshop, you will explore these questions in an interactive and experiential way. Together with leading sustainability practitioners, scientists, entrepreneurs, business leaders and activists, you will gain insights in how to navigate complex systems with grace and wisdom, learning to trust your own systems intuition, and the resources you need in order to make your next bold move towards a flourishing world.
An intuitive mind is a sacred gift and a rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
– Albert Einstein
We are honoured to welcome our special guest Dennis Meadows, co-author of the original Club of Rome report Limits to Growth.
Marja de Vries, author of two groundbreaking books, will share her research on universal principles that provided direction and balance for indigenous societies for thousands of years.
The workshop will comprise storytelling, experiential exercises working with system dynamics, a climate game, dialogue and reflection.
Practical details:
November 6 17.00-22.00h – De Ceuvel, Amsterdam
November 7 9.30-22.00h – Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
Registration & program: http://clubofromenl.wixsite.com/7nov