The central theme of this book is that you are only as smart and capable as your tribe, and that by upgrading your tribe, you multiply the results of your efforts. The book studies many different aspects of organizational cultures, and focuses most strongly on the use of language to distinguish the phase your tribe finds itself at. It also encompasses an interesting strategy model.
From the book: “A tribal strategy is nothing more than three separate but interlocking discussions, all flowing from values and a noble cause. In outcomes, answer the question “What do we want?” In assets, answer the question “What do we have?” Before moving on to behaviors, ask the first test question: “Do we have enough assets for the outcomes?” If the answer is “yes,” move on. If the answer is “no,” construct an interim strategy. In behaviors, answer the question “What will we do?” Ask the second test question: “Do we have enough assets for our behaviors?” If the answer is “yes,” move on. If the answer is “no,” add more assets or revise behaviors. Ask the third test question: “Will the behaviors produce the outcomes?” If the answer is “yes,” you have a strategy. If the answer is “no,” add more behaviors, making sure you’re leveraging all available assets. Once you have a strategy, focus only on the behaviors. Restrategize every ninety days.”
All in all, I found it a fascinating book.